About Us

Vital Blue Cleanse was founded to conduct research and provide information on drugs, supplements, and other substances that may improve cognitive function, memory and motivation in healthy individuals. The founding members include professionals from the Health & Wellness, Educational and Medical Communities. Formulas for our products include ingredients that have been proven in clinical studies to improve mental performance.

My name is Dr Eric Wood, ND, MA, LaCH
Is a leading US licensed naturopathic doctor and graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Additionally trained at Georgetown University’s Food as Medicine Program, The Schulich School of Business at York University, and Harvard University’s Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, Dr Wood began his career as a staff specialty doctor for two leading North American supplement companies—Neuroscience and Life Extension.
Now Associate Professor at Everglades University and Hawthorn University in the areas of Alternative Medicine & Holistic Nutrition, Dr Wood is the current of author/coauthor of four books including The Adrenal Fatigue Solution, The
Ultimate Candida Diet, Scientific Fat Loss, and Longevity Secrets with two more
due this year on the Ketogenic Diet and alternative cancer care. He sits on the
medical advisory board for Lupavita Inc., Primal Labs, Anirva, the Journal of
Alternative and Integrative Medicine in Budapest, Hungary and
The founder of Visionary Health in Ft Lauderdale (www.drericwoodnd.com), Dr Wood practices integratively at Prestege Wellness (www.prwell.info) in Ft Lauderdale. He has appeared across the country on ABC, NBC, Fox, The CW and other local independent stations and is a featured guest in the upcoming international healthcare documentary ‘Food, Health, and You’.